Leaks about Kay_0/ KAYO or KAY/O being the latest agent that is making the rounds of the internet and while everyone is in a frenzy to more about about this brand new robotic agent, we’ve found some details that will help you to understand more about this agent that is surely going to be added to the game in the coming days.

Valorant New Agent KAYO Leaked Online

Kay_0 is the latest agent leaked over the internet, and Valorant fans are storming every forum searching for new details. Well, Kay_0 is going to be an Initiator, which means he will be effective against defensive type agents and will help push the team further through congested grounds.

A few pictures do show the brand new agent KAYO in action, but we’re not sure about the abilities that will come with this new agent.

KAYO Abilities In Valorant

While not all of the abilities are known about Kay_0, the agent is an Initiator does give a brief idea about the kind of abilities the leaked agent will get.

Other initiators in Valorant are as follows:

  • Breach
  • Skye
  • Sova

You can get a basic hint of what’s possible with Kay_0 and how players will be able to use the agent in strategizing new ideas and ways to defeat opponents.

There is a slight doubt about the name and we could not verify it until Riot Games officially announce the character, but there are rumors about the new agent being added to the new Episode 3 ACT 1.

You can check out more about KAYO right here as and when new information is revealed as we promise to keep you up to date with all the information.

This is all there is to know about KAYO agent leaks at the moment, he looks a bit like the practice dummies but in an aggressive form. We’re pretty sure playing as this character will be epic and we cannot wait to check it out.

Check this video out for more information about KAYO in Valorant.

For more Valorant leaks, make sure to check out Gamer Tweak where you can find things like Is It Safe To Use The Free Valorant Site? or How To Easily Get Colored Text and so much more Valorant stuff right here.