It has been known for some time that a new agent is arriving in Valorant. Killjoy, as the new character is called, has now been leaked through the Riot Games website, where her abilities have already been featured.

The Killjoy page on the Valorant Games website has since been taken offline again, but of course, fans have already saved the images for a long time. On the website the page is called ‘Enter Killjoy’ and there you can find all her abilities, including a short description.

On the header page of the Valorant website, the page only had a temporary image, so no images of the agent’s appearance have been leaked yet.

You can check the abilities of the new agent Killjoy below:

Ability 1 (C) ⁠— Alarmbot

  • Equip and deploy a bot that hunts down enemies who dare to get in range. When my killer robot friend reaches its target, boom goes the idiot. Alarmbot not only deals damage, it temporarily leaves affected targets vulnerable to double damage from all sources. Hold equip if you want to recall your deployed bot.

Ability 2 (Q) ⁠— Turret

  • Sometimes it’s good to plant some roots. Deploy a turret that fires at enemies within its 180-degree cone. Hold equip to recall the deployed turret. With my turret, I can hold an area pretty well myself while the others cover the angles I can’t.

Signature Ability (E) ⁠— Nanoswarm

  • OK check this out. Throw the grenade. When it lands, it goes quiet. Then, activate the Nanoswarm to deploy a damaging swarm of nanobots and catch the enemy crying. I love this trick!

Ultimate Ability (X) ⁠— Lockdown

  • You’ll have to adjust your timing for the windup, but once you get this device going, it detains all enemies caught in its radius for about 8 seconds. Yeah, enemies can destroy it — except I built plenty more.

Valorant is now available on PC. In recent news, Riot Games has stated that it is “Definitely Prototyping” the game for console release.