Valheim has become the top game on Steam. There are a huge number of players playing Valheim. The response has been amazing and the Servers have become full. At one point there were 500,000 concurrent users on the game. Valheim also allows you to enjoy the game and adventures with your friends via dedicated servers. Many players want to indulge in the multiplayer mode as it makes the game easier to traverse. Mentioned below is a list of all the active Valheim servers worldwide.

Which Valheim Servers to join

There are a total of 69 (nice) Valheim public servers worldwide. You can even make your own personal server in Valheim.

North America Servers


  • Jotunheim
  • Comfy Valheim
  • Valhalla Fallen
  • Valhalla Vanilla
  • ValheimPVP
  • Valhalla Risen
  • Forsaken Realm
  • House of Fenrir
  • Nightshade Servers Eiselcross
  • Nightowlofficial
  • Valhalla Rising
  • cascadia PVE
  • Odin’s Grip
  • PR| Purgatory Regime
  • Danklife Studios
  • Best Fries Forever
  • Valheim IRONMAN
  • Tim Hortons Rodeo
  • World of WAR
  • Quest2Valhalla 4Netplayers
  • Chaotic Kingdom
  • STomping Grounds RP
  • Unova Legends Asgard Server
  • The Gentlemen’s Competitive Club
  • ValheimPlus | Lite-RP
  • The Kingdom
  • [NIO] The Litterbox
  • The Flat-heim Society
  • Blackguard US 1
  • Blackwatch Merc Company
  • Bluetooth’s Paradise
  • Exiled Island RP Server HUB
  • StilleVande’s Survival Hub
  • Valhalla US
  • AstridsAsscheeks
  • Valheim Trade Center
  • Viking Glory
  • Ragnorheim +
  • Ragnorheim
  • VDBlue Gaming
  • [LFG Public] [PW: viking]


  • Valheim Haven
  • Church of the Holy Sardini
  • SouthernOntario
  • Private Valheim Server

Europe Servers


  • Sveit RP Server
  • WinDooM
  • Valheim Anarchy
  • World of Niflheim
  • Nordmarians


  • Agony
  • [EU]RealPublic
  • APValheim
  • Valheim Server Central
  • Blackguard EU 1
  • Army of the North
  • Valhalla EU
  • Survivors vs Survivors
  • 3ST und dreckig nach Valhalla
  • PullNSmash Private


  • Outworld


  • Dracula Land


  • Midgard


  • Inner Sanctum Community

Asian Servers


  • Kaer Trolde
  • [ID/OCE/SEA] Spikerroog
  • Ard Skellig

This is the complete list of worldwide Valheim servers. As more servers are added we will update the list accordingly. While you are here have a look at some Server issues players are facing such as Valheim can’t connect to server. You can play with even more friends by removing the server cap.