If you’re someone who likes to share multiple links at one time, UrlExt (or URL Extender) is free online service that is sure to come in handy for you. With UrlExt, you can combine up to 10 separate URLs into a single short link. You can then share the link online. When the link is clicked, each URL will open in up in its own browser tab.
To get started with UrlExt, head over to the website and enter up to 10 URLs that you’d like to share in the text box – one per line. When you’re done, click on the “submit” button.
You will be give an “extended URL” for sharing, which is actually a short URL that will open multiple tabs for each URL added when clicked.
In order for your extended URL to work properly, the pop-up blocker will need to be turned off in your browser (or the person clicking). If pop-up blocker is not turned off, only one URL will open – the first one entered. Here’s how to turn off pop-up blocker in Chrome and Firefox:
Chrome – Chrome menu icon -> Settings -> Show advanced settings -> Content Settings button (under Privacy) -> In “Pop-ups” section select “Allow all sites to show pop-ups, or click on “Manage exceptions” and add [*.]urlext.net to the list instead.
Firefox – Firefox menu -> Preferences -> Content panel -> uncheck “block pop-up windows” option, or click on “Exceptions” and add urlext.net to the list instead.
Although having to turn off pop-up blocker for UrlExt can be a bit of a nuisance, once done you can use the service indefinitely without issue. This is an easy-to-use service that will save you and those you share links with a little time, by automatically opening each link in a new tab.
URL Extender
Charnita has been a Freelance Writer & Professional Blogger since 2008. As an early adopter she loves trying out new apps and services. As a Windows, Mac, Linux and iOS user, she has a great love for bleeding edge technology. You can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.
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