Charts and graphs in Excel and Google Sheets use data points, data markers, and data labels to visualize data and convey information. If you want to create powerful charts, learn how each of these elements works and how to use them properly.
Data Series and Other Chart Elements in Excel
Data Point: A single value located in a worksheet cell plotted in a chart or graph.
Data Marker: A column, dot, pie slice, or another symbol in the chart representing a data value. For example, in a line graph, each point on the line is a data marker representing a single data value located in a worksheet cell.
Data Label: Provides information about individual data markers, such as the value being graphed either as a number or as a percent. Commonly used data labels in spreadsheet programs include:
- Numeric Values: Taken from individual data points in the worksheet.
- Series Names: Identifies the columns or rows of chart data in the worksheet. Series names are commonly used for column charts, bar charts, and line graphs.
- Category Names: Identifies the individual data points in a single series of data. These are commonly used for pie charts.
- Percentage Labels: Calculated by dividing the individual fields in a series by the total value of the series. Percentage labels are commonly used for pie charts.
Data Series: A group of related data points or markers that are plotted in charts and graphs. Examples of a data series include individual lines in a line graph or columns in a column chart. When multiple data series are plotted in one chart, each data series is identified by a unique color or shading pattern.
In column or bar charts, if multiple columns or bars are the same color or have the same picture (in the case of a pictograph), they comprise a single data series.
Not all graphs include groups of related data or data series.
Pie charts are typically restricted to a single data series per chart. The individual slices of the pie are data markers and not a series of data.
Modify Individual Data Markers
When you want to call attention to a specific data marker, make it look different from the rest of the group. All you need to do is change the formatting of the data marker.
Change the Color of a Single Column
The color of a single column in a column chart or a single point in a line graph can be changed without affecting the other points in the series. A data marker that is a different color than the rest of the group will pop out on the chart.
- Select a data series in a column chart. All columns of the same color are highlighted. Each column is surrounded by a border that includes small dots on the corners.
- Select the column in the chart to be modified. Only that column is highlighted.
- Select the Format tab.
- When a chart is selected, the Chart Tools appears in the ribbon and contains two tabs. The Format tab and the Design tab.
- Select Shape Fill to open the Fill Colors menu.
- In the Standard Colors section, choose the color you wish to apply.
Highlight Data with an Exploding Pie Chart
Individual slices of a pie chart are usually different colors. So, emphasizing a single portion or data point needs a different approach from columns and line charts. You can highlight pie charts by exploding out a single slice of pie from the graph.
Select a data series in a column chart. All columns of the same color are highlighted. Each column is surrounded by a border that includes small dots on the corners.
Select the column in the chart to be modified. Only that column is highlighted.
Select the Format tab.
When a chart is selected, the Chart Tools appears in the ribbon and contains two tabs. The Format tab and the Design tab.
Select Shape Fill to open the Fill Colors menu.
In the Standard Colors section, choose the color you wish to apply.
Add Emphasis With a Combo Chart
Another option for emphasizing different types of information in a chart is to display two or more chart types in a single chart, such as a column chart and a line graph. You could use this approach when the graphed values vary widely or when graphing different types of data.
A typical example is a climograph or climate graph, which combines precipitation and temperature data for a single location on one chart. Additionally, combination or combo charts are created by plotting one or more data series on a secondary vertical or Y-axis.
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