Sony announces its new initiative “Play at Home” by giving away video games to liven up the quarantine. The first of these will be the original Uncharted trilogy remastered. Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection can now be claimed at no cost, along with the independent title of Journey.

What millions of PS4 users expected came true. Not only will they receive free games, they are also exclusive titles. The measure comes with the initiative “Play at Home”. Sony seeks to give us more reasons to keep us fulfilling the quarantine with free games and this was announced on their social networks causing a stir.

“As a thank you to all who are doing their part to lessen the impact of this pandemic, Sony Interactive Entertainment is pleased to announce the Play At Home initiative,” the company notes on the official PlayStation blog.

Sony explains that the “Play at Home” initiative is made up of two parts: providing free (PS4) games to keep the PlayStation community at home, and creating a fund to help independent game studios that may be experiencing financial difficulties

How many free games arrived for PS4?

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection includes the following three remastered video games for PS4:

  • Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune
  • Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
  • Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception

Additionally, Sony is giving away the independent Journey title as part of the “Play at Home” campaign as well. Through “Play at Home”, the company will offer free games to enjoy from PS4, this implies that it will not be necessary to have a subscription to PlayStation Plus to claim them. In addition, it will also serve to establish a fund that can help small independent studios that are being affected by this virus.

The Nathan Drake Collection will be available for PS4 from April 16 and can be claimed until May 6. Journey will be freely available on the PS Store from April 15 at 8:00 p.m. PT until May 5 at the same time. Also, once you have downloaded the video game, it will remain forever in your PS4 library.