Today Twitter has been transparent with its users announcing that the microblogging site has been bridged and around 250,000 users accounts has been compromised.
According to Twitter’s Blog, the company discovered some unusual activity in a few accounts. As the investigation continued, they’ve revoked access to every compromised account, and immediately sent an email to those affected users requiring them to reset their passwords.
If you didn’t get an email, but you still concerned about your Twitter account being hacked, the best thing you can do now is to change your password, and any other account you may have with the same email and password.
Here are few well-known tips: when creating a new password use a combination of letters, numbers, uppercase, symbols, and make that new password at least 8 characters long. If you cannot come up with a strong password use Wolfram Alpha. Remember that the best passwords are the ones hard to guess and easy to forget.
Also using complex passwords could be hard to keep track, so a good password manager is a must have. The one I use and recommend is KeePass. This is a free and open source password manager, and because it is an offline solution (meaning that it is an application that you need to install in your computer) I don’t have to worry about my passwords being compromise by a third-party services.
Source Twitter Blog