Tower of Fantasy is a free-to-play action and adventure open-world game similar to Genshin Impact. There are multiple items and consumables scattered on the map that can be used to redeem rewards or regenerate health. These items are located in different regions of the islands and need exploration to unlock. Electric Eels are one such item that can be used to regenerate Satiety and get Resistance to Volts. However, the location of the Eels is not marked on the map and needs to be found by exploring the map. Know the location of the Electric Eels in the Tower of Fantasy through our detailed guide on it.

Where to Get Electric Eels in Tower of Fantasy (Locations)

It is possible to consume them in their raw form or by cooking dishes out of them. Also, these consumables are ingredients that can be used to cook dishes on a Cooking Station. Although, this is where you the Electric Eels can be found:

  • It can be found scattered across every region except the Astra on Aesperia map.
  • It is possible to locate them in the Water Bodies. Find them in the following locations:
  • Banges Region – Waterbodies near the Loen Dock, Banges Farms. Anchorville, and HT201 Shelter.
  • Navia Region – Waterbodies near Raincaller Island and Navia Bay.
  • Warren Region – Waterbodies near the Aarniel Fortress, Souther Naa Fjords, Warren Omnium Tower, and Warren Shelter.
  • These are the regions where you can get the Electric Eels in ToF.

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  • Banges Region – Waterbodies near the Loen Dock, Banges Farms. Anchorville, and HT201 Shelter.
  • Navia Region – Waterbodies near Raincaller Island and Navia Bay.
  • Warren Region – Waterbodies near the Aarniel Fortress, Souther Naa Fjords, Warren Omnium Tower, and Warren Shelter.

What to do With Electrical Eels in ToF (Use)

So, cooking dishes require recipes that need to be unlocked. However, some of the recipes are unlocked from the beginning. An Electric Eel is one of the recipes for cooking a Spicy Eel in the game. Also, Consuming it regenerates Satiety by 10 points. Moreover, it increases Volt Resistance by 10% and makes it stop at 290 Points for 900 seconds.

That’s everything you should know about the Electric Eels in Tower of Fantasy. If you found this article helpful, then make sure to check out our other guides on finding Sea Urchins and Hermit Crabs in the game.