Everyone drops their iPhone or iPod touch from time to time be. The consequences of most drops aren’t serious, but in some cases, screens crack or shatter. Some of these cracks are minor cosmetic problems that don’t interfere with using your device. Others are so extensive that it becomes very hard to see the screen or use the iPhone.

A lot of businesses offer low-cost iPhone screen repair or screen replacement, but beware: If you’re not careful, you could end up voiding your warranty from Apple and losing all the support and benefits it offers.

iPhone Screen Repair Costs If You’re Under Warranty

The standard iPhone warranty doesn’t cover accidental damage, which means that Apple doesn’t offer cracked iPhone screen repair as part of the warranty.

If you need a screen repair or replacement, start checking whether your iPhone is still under warranty. If it is, you can get support directly from Apple, go to the phone company you bought the phone from, or use an Apple-authorized reseller. If it’s not, continue reading this article.

It’s crucial to know that the iPhone warranty says that if the iPhone is repaired by anyone other than an Apple-authorized tech, the entire warranty is voided. Virtually all of the low-cost repair shops are not Apple authorized, so saving money with them can mean that you lose your warranty.

One nice bonus of having Apple fix your phone is that Apple stores can replace iPhone screens without having to send your phone out for service, so you’ll get your phone back in no time.

Fixing a Cracked iPhone Screen If You Have AppleCare

The situation is the same if you have an AppleCare extended warranty. In fact, going to Apple for your iPhone screen repair is even more important since using an unauthorized repair shop will void your standard warranty and the AppleCare warranty. If you do that, you’re just throwing out the money you spent on it.

Unlike the standard iPhone warranty, AppleCare covers two incidents of accidental damage, with a fee for each repair. This cost is likely more than an unauthorized repair shop will charge, but it maintains your warranty and ensures that your repair is performed by the people best trained to do it.

Fixing a Cracked iPhone Screen If You Have iPhone Insurance

If you purchased iPhone insurance through your phone company or on your own, you should check with your insurance company to understand their policies around screen repair. Most iPhone insurance covers accidental damage. Depending on your policy, you may have to pay a deductible and a repair fee, but that combo may be less than replacing the iPhone entirely.

Find out how much your iPhone screen repair will cost, both with and without a warranty, at Apple’s support page on the topic.

If you do have iPhone insurance, though, make sure to get all the facts and fees before committing to using your insurance, as many people complain about bad experiences when they use insurance for these sorts of repairs.

iPhone Screen Repair If Your iPhone is Out of Warranty

If you don’t have a warranty or insurance coverage for your phone, you’ve got more options. In this case, a low-cost repair shop may be a good option since it will save you money. If you don’t have a warranty or AppleCare, you have less to lose by using one of these shops.

We recommend that iPhone owners shouldn’t buy insurance at all. Find out why in 6 Reasons You Should Never Buy iPhone Insurance.

It’s a good idea to use a shop that’s experienced with iPhone screen repair and has a good reputation. Even though they can’t violate a warranty that’s expired, an unskilled repair person could cause additional damage to the body or interior electronics of your iPhone. That would cause more even problems and could lead you to need to buy a new phone.

Fixing a Cracked iPhone Screen If You’re Eligible for an Upgrade

If you’ve paid off your iPhone purchase plan, had your iPhone for more than two years, or would consider switching to a new phone company, you may be eligible for a discounted upgrade to a newer model. A cracked screen might be a great motivator for an upgrade.

If you do upgrade, check out the businesses that buy used iPhones. They even buy ones with broken screens, so you can turn your old phone into extra cash.

How to Prevent iPhone Screen Damage in the Future

There’s no foolproof strategy for preventing damage to iPhone screens. If your phone takes enough falls and abuse, eventually even the best-protected iPhone will crack. Still, a few simple steps can reduce the likelihood of cracked screens. Try using:

  • Cases: Some cases offer screen protection, some don’t. Even if the case you have doesn’t include a screen protector, the case itself will provide some safety that will reduce the possibility of damaging the screen. Check out our picks for the best iPhone cases.
  • Screen Protectors: These thin, plastic overlays generally protect the screen from scratches or dings, but they offer a little extra defense against cracks, too. A case is a more comprehensive solution, but screen protectors are good add-ons.
  • AppleCare: For your next phone, consider buying AppleCare if you didn’t in the past. It adds a bit to your overall cost, but it’s usually worth it to get two full years of support and repairs from trained experts.

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