Have you ever wanted to sync your Mac’s clipboard contents with your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad? Imagine being able to copy items on your Mac, save them in an easy-to-use clipboard manager, and then access your clipboard contents on your iOS mobile device – or vice versa (copy on your mobile device and access on your Mac).

While there are a few apps for this, most of them are not free. I recently came across a Mac App called CloudClip Manager, and it’s definitely the most efficient I’ve seen when it comes to syncing your clipboard contents between your Mac and iOS devices. It does all of this thanks to iCloud.

Best of all, CloudClip Manager is free for all your devices. Here’s how it works.

CloudClip Manager on Your Mac

  1. You can download CloudClip Manager from the Mac App Store.

  2. When you run the application, there aren’t any welcome screens or any type of setup needed; it runs quietly on your menu bar until you’re ready to access your clipboard contents.

  3. When you click on the menu bar icon, you’ll see that you can choose to have CloudClip Manager open at login.

  4. As you copy text, links and images, the items will be added to CloudClip Manager; you can, of course, view your items from the menu bar.

  5. CloudClip Manager will save and sync your last 15 copied items. If you want to clear out your items, you can clear them all at once or individually – from the menu bar.

  6. To re-copy an item from your clipboard, just click on it from the menu bar and it will become active on your clipboard.

Best of all, recopied items won’t reappear in the clipboard manager, which means that you won’t see duplicate items if you happen to copy the same thing(s) over and over again.

CloudClip on Your iPad

CloudClip is available for all iOS devices: iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. For this tutorial I’ll be using the universal application on my iPad.

  1. You can download CloudClip for iOS from the App Store on your device (or via iTunes on your Mac).

  2. As soon as you open the app, you’ll see the clipboard contents from your Mac. You can view items in their entirety by clicking on the arrow to the right of it.

  3. You can delete items one-by-one by simply swiping from the left to right (anywhere on the item), to reveal the delete button.

  4. When you copy text, link, and images from your iOS device, they will appear in the CloudClip Manager on your Mac. out

  5. You can re-copy an item by tapping and holding on it until a menu appears, then you’ll be able to copy the item, send it via iMessage, or send it in an email.

  6. There’s only one thing to customize in the iOS app: you can choose the default Web browser to open your clipboard links in. Safari is of course one of the options, and the other just happens to be my favorite iPad browser – Dolphin.

I love how easily accessible CloudClip Manager is, and both applications are extremely user-friendly. In a matter of minutes you’ll have your clipboard contents form your Mac to your iOS device. It’s really a piece of cake.

Charnita has been a Freelance Writer & Professional Blogger since 2008. As an early adopter she loves trying out new apps and services. As a Windows, Mac, Linux and iOS user, she has a great love for bleeding edge technology. You can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.

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