Today as part of a new Patch Tuesday, Microsoft is making available a new firmware update for Surface Pro 3. This month, it seems, there won’t be firmware updates for the other Surface models, including the Surface Pro 2, Surface Pro, Surface 2, or Surface RT.

The new firmware released by the company today labeled as “System Firmware Update – 9/9/2014” resolves issues with Wi-Fi stability, system performance, and the company also seems to have fixed the thermostat icon that was showing up to Surface Pro 3 with Intel’s Core i7 after stream heat. However, Microsoft doesn’t not mention that today’s update addresses the overheating issue caused by a few Windows processes.

Here are the Microsoft logs for the changes in this release:

  • Surface Pro UEFI update (v3.10.250.0) improves system experience and enhances overall system stability, including Wi-Fi.
  • Surface Pro Embedded Controller Firmware update (v38.6.50.0) enhanced support for system performance and user experience, including thermostat icon on boot.
  • Surface Pro System Aggregator Firmware update (v3.9.350.0) increases the overall system reliability and compatibility with a Surface cover.
  • Surface Integration driver update (v2.0.1102.0) enhances user experience, including Wi-Fi stability.
  • Surface Wi-Fi and Bluetooth driver update (v15.68.3055.107) improves Wi-Fi/ Bluetooth reliability and system stability, and significantly enhances the user experience.

The Surface Pro 3 firmware update should install automatically, but you head over Windows Update to install manually. Let us know if this update addresses your Wireless connectivity issues and if you see any system improvement.

Source Microsoft